How to create a secure password?

  • Check the strength of your password. ExploreBees offer a password strength analyzer, make sure to listen to its advice.
  • Choose a password that no one will easily guess or hack. Don't use a word or phrase of special importance to you—like a birthday or family member. That's the kind of information that can be discovered by someone doing a little digging. Also, do not use default passwords, as they are easily cracked. Some default passwords include password, password123, 1234, admin, and guest, among others. These can be found across the internet.
  • Don't use commonly used passwords such as 123456, the word "password," “qwerty”, “111111”, or a word like, “monkey”.
  • Do not share passwords. This is an open invitation to your online accounts, and it's often exploited to accomplish an online identity theft.
  • Make sure your password is long. It should be at least eight-to-10 characters long, and longer passwords are even more secure. Some sites or applications may limit the password length, however.
  • Isn’t a Dictionary Word or Combination of Dictionary Words: Stay away from obvious dictionary words and combinations of dictionary words. Any word on its own is bad. Any combination of a few words, especially if they’re obvious, is also bad. For example, “house” is a terrible password. “Red House” is also very bad.
  • Don't use a solitary word in any language. Hackers have dictionary-based systems to crack these types of passwords. If you insist on using a word, misspell it as much as possible, or insert numbers for letters. For example, if you want to use the phrase “I love chocolate” you can change it to @1L0v3CH0c0L4t3!
  • Use at least one capital letter and one lowercase letter in your password. The capital and lowercase letters should not be grouped together. Mixing them up makes the password more difficult to predict. This kind of strategy might lead to "JeCaMiJe_" in the first example or "HouseOnSpooner#1500" in the second example.
  • Use different passwords for every account that you have.
  • Log off each time if using a public device or if people are around who can see your password.
  • Feel free to write down your passwords, but make sure they are not near your computer. Instead, put them in a secure location.
  • Avoid entering any password into a device when connected to an unsecured Wi-Fi connection, such as at a coffee shop or airport.
  • Don't answer "yes" when prompted to save your password to a particular computer's browser. Instead, rely on a strong password committed to memory or stored in a dependable password management program. Norton Security stores your passwords securely and fills them in online in encrypted form.
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